Veebi / SNS-i kasutamise EXPO [Kevad] (endine nimi: veebimüügi edendamine EXPO)

Veebi / SNS-i kasutamise EXPO [Kevad] (endine nimi: veebimüügi edendamine EXPO)

From April 02, 2025 until April 04, 2025

Kotos – Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Jaapan

Postitas Canton Fair Net

[meiliga kaitstud]

Kategooriad: Tehnoloogiasektor

Hits: 1991

マーケティングNädal 【春】-4月開催-|日本最大級のマーケティング展示䚼

Marketing Week 'Spring-. What is Marketing Week Spring? The event consists of nine exhibitions.It is one of the largest comprehensive marketing exhibitions in Japan.A new exhibition will be born at the next Marketing Week-Spring.Marketing Week-Spring Exhibition.New encounters and interactions with customersRelationships can be strengthened! This is recommended for people who are facing these issues. They are those who want to outsource marketing and sales. They are those who want novelty items to use for promotions. They are those who want to find the best way to advertise. . People who are having trouble attracting customers via the internet or EC. > Summer ExhibitionVenue: Tokyo Big Sight. Osaka ExhibitionIntex Osaka. Spring ExhibitionVenue: Tokyo Big Sight.

Pakume ettevõtetele suurepärast võimalust lahendada selliseid probleeme nagu müügi suurendamine, kaubamärgi tuntuse suurendamine ja klientide ligitõmbavuse suurendamine.

See on näitus, mis hõlmab kõiki turunduse aspekte alates strateegia koostamisest kuni kommunikatsiooni, CRM-i ja kaasamiseni ning LTV täiustamiseni.

Get new leads quicklyAttendees included executives, marketers, and sales promotion/planners. In just 3 days, you can acquire quality leads.

Kohtuge otse vastutava isikuga Ligikaudu 80% külastajatest on otsustavas rollis või on seotud otsuste tegemisega. See muudab tulevaste ärikohtumiste planeerimise lihtsamaks.