Embedded Tech India Expo

Embedded Tech India Expo

From March 19, 2025 until March 21, 2025

New Delhis – Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India

Postitas Canton Fair Net


Integreeritud tehnikanäitus, üritused, konverentsid, näitus, näitused, messid Indias

The Embedded Tech India expo is a unique platform that brings together business leaders, senior technologists, investors, and innovative entrepreneurs to discuss the technological innovations that are changing the face and the landscape of the economy. The expo, a flagship event, is a unique forum that brings together entrepreneurs, business leaders, and senior technologists to discuss technological innovations that change the face of the economy.The expo, Impacting Lives through Innovation, is aimed at engineers who work on both hardware and software and develop embedded systems. The expo brings together leading hardware, system software, tools, services, governing bodies, academia, OEMs/ODMs, manufacturers, resellers/distributors, solution providers & solution seekers within the industry to share their knowledge and expertise to empower your business to exceed your current potential. The show will showcase the most advanced products and technologies in the embedded technology industry.

Näitus toob kokku tehnoloogiajuhid, et arutada parimaid tavasid ja uurida uusi lahendusi.

Vaieldamatu tehniline sündmus, kus ülemaailmsed tööstuse juhid ja idufirmad tulevad kokku, et paljastada tulevik. Expo pakub parimat võimalust tutvuda uusimate inseneri- ja tehnoloogiliste suundumustega ning laiendada oma teadmisi tööstusest.

India ülim ärikonverents võimaldab teil saada kasu tehnoloogia- ja infrastruktuurisektori juhtide tarkusest. Samuti on teil võimalus kohtuda avaliku ja erasektori ekspertidega.